Decorative Rocks :


Wine Tasters. skin- E00, E000, R20, E11 hair- (from left) C7, C5, C3 and E18, E09, E07, E02 and E15, Y21, Y000 shirts- (from left) YG17, YG13, YG01 and YR68, YR65, YR61 and BG05, BG02, BG10, 0 pants- (from left) B97, B95, B93, B91 and C7, C5, C3 and BG05, BG02, BG10, 0 shoes- C7, C5, C3 stools- E37, E35, E31 ground- C7, C5, C3, C1, C00 background- BV02, BV00, BV000, BV0000